My Speciality is the Art of Transition from Chaos to Serenity!

I will work with you to put an end to the clutter that is stealing your precious time and space by using step-by-step space organization strategies.
I will help you by removing clutter and give you the control of the stuff you own especially at home where you need to relax and enjoy yourself, away from the rest of the often hectic world
In my experience, if you could change just a few things about the way you live in your house, suddenly you will experience a lifting of stress, frustration and chaos accompanied by an increase in time, energy and living space.
With the personalized organizational system I create for you, you’ll be able to:
* Find what you want, in a timely manner.
* Find an easy way to pay bills on time and avoid late fees.
* Maximize your physical home and computer/digital space
* Use your time more efficiently.
* Prioritize and eliminate clutter in your life.
    ***As a bonus I will do a thorough electromagnetic scanning of your Home and the surroundings with a TriField Meter. Most homes and offices have hot spots with strong artificial electromagnetic fields, where chronic exposure may cause mental or physical problems. There are health and safety issues related to exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Even the EPA names these fields as suspected carcinogens. (This is a complimentary service for my clients. Regular price $75) 🙂
I love working one-on-one to create a tranquil and peaceful home.
I know my service will give you a fresh perspective of life!
Organization Service fees are $295 minumum 3 hours and even if it goes for 8 hours it will not exceed $495.

"I don't have to believe in Feng Shui, but I use it because it makes me money."
- Donald Trump

"The way we elect to spend our time, determines the quality of our life."
- Aldous Huxley

Serving all of San Diego County, Orange County, L.A. County, Temecula, Murrieta, and Riverside County.
***Also consider using my other services: Feng Shui Office, Organization Service, Image Consultant, and Electromagnetic Scan:)***