Feng Shui Consulting Services for your Office/Bussiness

Feng Shui, known as The Art of  Placement, enhances positive energy balance in your Office.
My consulting fee for your Office is $295 which includes:
First I will do a Compass Reading – The Feng Shui 5 elements which is used to define the Feng Shui areas of the office and is used to help find the best location for furniture and anything else that is used in the office. The Bagua Map will be used to enhance all aspects of your office space. The typical Bagua Map will work with these elements: Career, Knowledge,  Wealth, Relationships, Creativity, Helpful People, etc.

Secondly, I will do furniture placement which is a vital part of Feng Shui for the office. No matter how big or small your office space the most essential aspect of Feng Shui for the office is the placement of the desk. The location of the desk is crucial to the flow of energy in the room. Better placement will result in a more positive energy flow. Once you understand how to use this “map of feng shui,” you will be able to quickly evaluate and adjust your environment to maximize greater  productivity while improving your quality of life.

***As a bonus I will do a thorough electromagnetic scanning of your Home and the surroundings with a TriField Meter.  Most homes and offices have hot spots with strong artificial electromagnetic fields, where chronic exposure may cause mental or physical problems. There are health and safety issues related to exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Even the EPA names these fields as suspected carcinogens.(This is a complimentary service for Feng Shui clients. Regular price $75) 🙂  
The art of Feng Shui: Each of the 5 home Feng Shui elements associates with a separate direction, and has specific qualities, such as colors and forms, that can improve home design. While the elements themselves symbolize the process of change, the interaction between them symbolizes completeness, and helps to bring harmony and comfort into the home.

Our environments are a reflection of who we are and what is going on in our lives. By adjusting, activating and enhancing the flow of energy in our spaces, good Feng Shui allows us to achieve peace, harmony and balance in our lives. Positive energy flow translates into the ability to manifest your dreams of achieving prosperity, stronger relationships, improving creativity and maintaining vibrant health. You’ll find when you’re balanced at the Office you’ll have more success supporting your goals at work!

You will love my service because I know it will give you a fresh perspective of life!

"I don't have to believe in Feng Shui, but I use it because it makes me money."
- Donald Trump

Serving all of San Diego County, Orange County, L.A. County, Temecula, Murrieta, and Riverside County.
***Also consider using my other services: Feng Shui Office, Organization Service, Image Consultant, and Electromagnetic Scan:)***